Black Spleenwort (Asplenium Adiantum-Nigrum)





About The Plant

Semi-Outdoor Plant. Delicate triangular-shaped fronds that have shiny, dark green leaves.

Dimensions of plant in basic planter: √ò 14.5CM x H 37CM

Dimensions of pots:
Cylinder Pot: Ø 14CM x H 14CM

The nursery plant & pot will arrive inside the pot of your choice.

Plant Care

Sunlight: Thrives under filtered sunlight to a moderate amount of shade. Avoid direct sunlight, other than the early morning sun, otherwise leaves may burn.

Watering: Water the soil instead of the centre of the plant to prevent mold growth & plant rot. Water whenever the top 2-3cm of the plant is dry. Ensure soil is not soggy. Water weekly.

Fertiliser: Apply organic granular fertiliser or liquid fertiliser weekly.

Soil: Plant in a moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Additional information

Pot Colour

Black, Gold, Red, Orange, White


Cylinder, Basic Planter